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Company training plan Excel template

Creating a company training plan is a must for every HR manager’s internal strategy. New skills, disciplines and areas for improvement are continually emerging and impacting your staff. Updating an employee’s skillset has to be an ongoing process for professional growth.


This personal growth benefits the team in turn, keeping it up to speed with developments, providing a boost for business results and incentivising continuous improvement. 


Kenjo has created a full company training plan template to help you track and monitor your employees’ training, as well as the training budget. 


template CTA



Training plan template information


This training template gives you a 360º view of each employee’s personal development plan. Manage the budget, see the training status, and track hours spent training by department, all personalised by you in line with your company’s needs. 


Specific KPIs will guide you as you create your training plan, and the template will convert your data into an easily visualised graph format. Here are some elements you will see:


Company training plan template





  • Training budget by country (if your offices are in a single country you can also filter by city).
  • Budget allocation for training.
  • Budget by department.
  • Remaining budget at the end of the financial year.




  • Types of training (online, offline, internal).
  • Most popular courses among employees.
  • Hours spent on training by department. 


You can adapt these graphs by editing the content in line with your company’s needs, with information such as:


  • Employee ID.
  • Employee personal details (first name, surname, gender).
  • Employee professional information: department, employee job title, country where they work.
  • Information relating to the training plan: training course title, hours duration, training start date, training end date, employee budget, goal.



How do you create the company training plan template?

STEP 1: Save a copy of the template


Download the training plan template via this link.


template CTA



STEP 2: Edit the information with your company’s details


Complete these tabs:


  • Data validation
  • Budget by department
  • Employee information 


Company training plan template



STEP 3: Analyse the information on your dashboard


Once you have entered your company-specific information, you will see the graphs and your employee training plan trends.


Easy peasy! 😉


We’d love to show you how training plans can support your employees’ professional growth strategy with Kenjo’s software.


We will tell you all there is to know about digital Human Resources and show how you can improve your day-to-day tasks by focusing on what really matters, your people.

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